Our Solutions |
activeAsset is our fixed asset management solution. It manages all your valuable assets in a central database allowing you to easily classify, locate, view and report on them.
The solution includes depreciation functions for your asset accounting needs.
activeAsset manages all your fixed assets by tracking all the details including service and warranty information. The depreciation feature supports multiple books for accounting and tax purposes. It also offers multiple depreciation trial runs prior to confirming any figures. A web-based solution ensures flexibility in managing your assets anywhere using a browser.

activeBuilder is our job management solution for the
building industry. It's a specialised solution designed for builders to improve
productivity in managing their business, allowing them to focus on what they do best.
activeBuilder is designed for builders, contractors and companies in the building industry wanting to increase productivity by better managing resources and reducing paperwork. The solution which covers inventory, variations, buyer-created invoice and job costing eases the business pressures in managing building projects.

activeCatalog is our web content and e-commerce management solution. It has been designed to ease the management and the development of your website.
Equipped with shopping cart and product management facilities, the product offers unlimited potential for businesses to extend their market on the internet.
activeCatalog is designed for organisations with a vision to market and sell on the Internet. The solution delivers a fully featured online catalogue content management system, allowing businesses to present timely information to its web audience 24 hours 7 days. The ability to update web content improves responsiveness and accuracy of information.

activePoint is a small business solution with sales and stock management facility. It has been designed as a web-based solution, allowing your business needs to be met anytime,
anywhere. From purchase orders, stock in to quotes and orders,
activePoint manages and controls every critical point of your business.
activePoint is designed for small businesses wanting an integrated approach to managing their operations. The comprehensive solution covers all major aspects of your business including integration with our web content management solution for e-commerce, giving you absolute confidence to run your business effectively and efficiently.